Post Scoble World

Scoble's leaving Microsoft.
It's very possible that we'll refer to the last few years as the Scoble Era, not only at Microsoft, but for corporate culture as a whole. Yeah--Corporate Culture. Very clearly there is an advertising/marketing angle to be discussed here, but the lasting effect of Scoble is an awareness of the fact that direct communication between consumers and employees can be value-creating.
It's great that he named his blog Scobleizer. Some consulting firm could go along way, offering a Scoblization Process. The steps would look something like this:
- Identify someone inside the company with a ton of ethics, a lot of charisma, an actual passion for the products and the nerve to speak his mind.
- Give him or her a forum to express those views
- Turn on comments
- Monitor those comments like mad
- Get out of the way
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